Baltic Sea Environment: Challenges and Opportunities
April 28 at 14.00 (EET)
Tallinn University of Technology
, Room SCI-109, Akadeemia 15, Tallinn, Estonia and online in Zoom

Seminar „Baltic Sea Environment: Challenges and Opportunities“ with a guest lecture „Chemical Contaminants in the Baltic Sea Environment - Trends and Risks“ by Prof. Dr. Detlef Schulz-Bull (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) and a presentation “Environmental Status of the Estonian Marine Areas and Ways to Improve It” by Prof. Dr. Urmas Lips (Tallinn University of Technology).

Working language: English

Participation: Free

This event is organised in cooperation with the Mecklenburg-West Pomerania University Information Office and Tallinn University of Technology and is taking place in the frame of the “German Spring in Estonia 2023”. '

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