Fenton High School Testing Out Registration Form
This form will be available from April 1 - April 30.  By completing this form, you are requesting to demonstrate mastery of the content in a course at Fenton High School.  The assessment you will complete to show mastery may include not only an examination, but also written reports, research papers, a portfolio or other assessments required within the course.  By earning a 77% (C+) or higher on the assessment(s), you will earn one credit toward graduation.  You will receive a Satisfactory (S) notation on your transcript for that class, which will not be computed into your grade point average.  Once that credit is earned, you may not request to test out of or enroll in a prior course in the sequence in the same curriculum area.  

Some courses might provide a study guide, it is up to the department.  You should check in the Counseling Office the second week of April for any additional materials. The office is open from 7:30 am - 3:00 pm, Monday through Thursday.

In order to test out, you must be available during one of the test dates/times listed below.  There will be no additional dates/times.  You can take any test on any of the dates/times, but you must indicate your choice on this form.

Correo electrónico *
Student's Last Name: *
Student's First Name: *
Student Email Address: *
Parent / Guardian Name: *
Parent Email Address: *
Parent Phone Number: *
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