Please use this form to request a password reset for your STAFF CUSD Google Account. You can find your employee id/badge number on your pay stub or you can contact Human Resources. Remember to enter a personal email to send a temporary password to at the bottom of this form. Thanks.
Common reasons your password would fail:
- on be sure to use your full email address as the user name and your usual CUSD Google account password
- Synergy- use lastname_firstname (without and your usual CUSD Google Account password
- Absence system/Frontline- your full email address as the user name and your usual CUSD Google account password
- the Escape/Employee Data portal password is *NOT* connected with your CUSD google account password
If you have questions, you can call the Helpdesk at x61-411 or email
When your password is reset, it will change you CUSD Google Account password, your Synergy password as well as your OneLogin password.