2024/24 HDCA Rep Coach Nomination
Thanks for your interest in Coaching one of our rep teams for the 2024/25 Season. Please complete the form below which will be submitted and reviewed by the HDCA Executive who may request an interview. Submissions must be received by Thu 14th March 5pm.

If you need any assistance or have any questions completing this form please email hdca.sec@gmail.com
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Mobile Number *
Home Address *
Please indicate the highest level of formal coaching accreditation you have completed *
In what year did you complete that accreditation?
If Other, please provide further information.
Which Age Group are you applying to coach *
Are you the parent or guardian of a child that will trial to play in that team? *
Why do you want to coach a HDCA Rep Team in the upcoming Season? *
Provide a brief outline of your Coaching Experience *
How will you ensure you get the best performance out of the team you coach and develop the games of each and every player in the team? *
How will you manage parents? *
Provide a brief summary outlining how you will run training sessions. *
Will you be coaching a team in the local HDCA competition in 2024/25 *
If you answered Yes, which age group?
MyCricket ID *
Please provide any other comments you would like to make to support your application.
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