Mascoma Valley Dog Park Supporters  Membership Form

As a member of the Mascoma Valley Dog Park Supporters, your membership fee goes directly to supporting park operating costs. Members also have voting rights at our annual meetings, and thus have a say in the management of the park.

Membership Dues - $25 per household annually, renewable January 1st

Dues are payable via cash, check, or credit card via PayPal (see our website). Make checks payable to Mascoma Valley Dog Park Supporters (MVDPS) and mail to our address below. Membership forms and dues payments may also be left in the donation boxes inside the park. Please note that dues are non-refundable.

Mascoma Valley Dog Park Supporters
PO Box 141
Enfield Center NH 03749
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Number of Dogs in your household
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Special Talents
Please list any special talents or skills that you might be willing to share (i.e. crafts, cooking/baking, website design, photoshop, graphic arts, videography, photography, etc.). Even things that don't seem particularly related to dogs (or dog parks) could be extremely helpful to us!
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