Request a training from the VALRC
If you are program leadership and would like to request a training from the VALRC, fill out the information below and a VALRC specialist will contact you within three business days. Please be as specific as possible. A copy of the form will be sent to the email address you provide below. If you do not hear from a VALRC specialist within three business days, please email

VALRC suggests making training requests 6–8 weeks prior to the desired training date. VALRC requires training requests be submitted at least one month in advance, although rare exceptions may be made.
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Email *
Name of contact (either your name or the best person to contact to schedule the training) *
Best daytime phone number for contact listed above *
Role of contact listed above *
Program or organization name *
What topic(s) do you want the training to cover? (please be as specific as possible) *
When would you like the training to take place? (provide a specific date or date range) *
How long should the training last? Virtual trainings can be any length; in-person trainings have a 2-hour minimum. *
Would you like the training to be  *
If the training is in person, please provide a location where the training will take place.
How many participants do you estimate will attend this event?
Is there anything you would like to share with trainers about the likely participants (i.e., subjects they teach, level(s) of learners they work with, years of experience in adult education)?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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