Pioneer School District Bus Registration                for the 2024 - 2025 School Year

Mason County Transportation Cooperative provides transportation services for all Pioneer School District students. Our priority is to ensure that our Pioneer families receive efficient and reliable bus service that meets the needs of our community. To assist the Mason County Transportation Cooperative in optimizing bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year, we kindly request that you register your child for bus transportation by completing the this REGISTER TO RIDE form.

Please note that a separate form must be completed for each child who will be riding the bus, even if they attend the same school and will be transported to and from the same address.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Mason County Transportation Cooperative directly at 360.426.3182.

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What is your child's last name? *
What is your child's first name?  *
Please list your name and relationship to the child listed above.  *
What is your email address?  *
What is your phone number that we can reach you at should there be follow-up questions?  *
What school will your child attend? *
What grade is your child in for the 2024-2025 school year? *
What date will your child start riding the bus? *
What address in the Pioneer School District will your child be picked up from?  *
Will your child be riding a different bus in the morning and afternoon? *
If you indicated YES to the question above please list the morning address and afternoon address
Will your child only be riding the bus in the: *
By typing your name below, you are providing your signature, confirming that all the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and that you have authorization to request bus service for this child to and from school.

 Please be aware that if bus capacity is reached, your child may be placed on a waiting list for bus transportation. We will notify you promptly if this occurs and provide updates on the availability of a seat for your child as soon as possible. 
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