Unashamed Student Ministry Volunteer Recommendation Form
This reference form will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Note: Anywhere that the words "Student" or "Students" are mentioned in this form it is referring to students in grades six through twelve.
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Which volunteer is this reference form for? *
Today's Date *
Your Name *
Your Cell Phone *
How do you know this volunteer? *
If other, please specify.
How long have you know the applicant? *
Check all that apply to this volunteer’s spiritual strengths *
If other, please specify.
Check all that apply to this volunteer's weaknesses *
If other, please specify.
In regard to leadership, which one of the following BEST describes this volunteer? *
In regard to character, which one of the following BEST describes this volunteer? *
Do you have reservations regarding this volunteer’s character or integrity? *
Please explain your reasoning for the previous response.
Would you leave your student in the care of this individual? *
Do you have any hesitations or concerns about this individual working closely with students? *
If you responded yes to the previous question, please explain. *
If you responded no, please write "N/A"
Is this volunteer comfortable talking about Jesus? *
What evidence of spiritual growth do you see in this volunteer? *
Is there anything that you would care to add that was not asked but you feel is important for us to know about this volunteer? *
In regards to this volunteer serving with Unashamed Student Ministry at Village Bible Church, I …. *
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