Ultracold Quantum Sensing Workshop
at the Lorentz Center in Leiden, The Netherlands, 17 - 21 April 2023

Please take a look at the workshop webpage for goals, program and already accepted participants. (In the program "WG" means working group, during which we intend to discuss topics proposed in advance by organizers and participants.)
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Application form
If you want to participate, please fill out this form as early as possible and at the latest on the deadline Feb 5.

We currently have 25 places left for people who want to participate in the discussions and/or with a poster. The organization committee will distribute these places over the applicants on Feb 6. If there are places left, the application will be extended.

If your application is accepted you can apply for travel and hotel cost support. The exact amount of support will be determined in dependence of available funding and the number of participants in need of support.
First name
Last name
email address
Career stage or professional position
Area of expertise
Would you like to present a poster?
Clear selection
If yes: what will be the topic of your poster?
And finally space for any comment you might have (e.g. note if you are interested in one of the few remaining speaker slots, or if you would like to join, but can't stay the whole week).
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