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Bathroom in Italian: The Words You Really Need to Know!
1.  You’ve just arrived in Modena, Italy, and you know that being able to ask where the bathroom is will be very handy! What’s the simplest way to ask?
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2.  The first evening, you go to Osteria Francescana, a very fancy restaurant you learned about in the Chef’s Table documentary. How would you ask “Where’s the bathroom?” in an extra fancy way?
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3.  The waiter replies: È in fondo al corridoio, a sinistra. What did he say?
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4.  The next morning, you stop off at an Italian coffee bar for un croissant e un caffè before a day of sightseeing. You go to use the bathroom but it looks like you might need a key. How would you ask the barista?
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5.  In the afternoon, you go on a special balsamic vinegar tasting experience (the local speciality). It’s clear where the bathroom is, but you want to ask if it’s ok to use it:
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