WCC Computer Information Systems Career Launch Survey Form
Whatcom Community College (WCC), in partnership with Technology Alliance Group for Northwest Washington (TAGNW) has launched a project to refresh the WCC Computer Information Systems (CIS) degree. See our project website for general program details:

Feedback Focus:

We invite your feedback for improvements to the WCC CIS program including revised program outcomes, updated industry best practices, fundamentals, and work-based learning opportunities. All survey fields are optional. Any input you provide is appreciated. Thank you for your contributions.


Please contact Michael Gan, TAGNW Executive Director, for any questions or comments at michael.gan@tagnw.org or 360-499-2099.

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    1. Describe the basics of computer operating systems platforms.
    2. Perform the basics of computer and network security.
    3. Diagnose and repair personal computers.
    4. Communicate professionally with customers and co-workers.
    5. Describe and troubleshoot at each layer of the OSI and TCP/IP network models.
    6. Design an IP subnetting schemes.
    7. Implement and troubleshoot a variety of network topologies and protocols.
    8. Set up and maintain medium-size routed and switched networks.
    9. Install, configure and use the tools and techniques of computer forensics.
    10. Identify threats and implement countermeasures to ensure network system security.
Should any program outcomes be revised? Please select (any).
Please describe any recommended changes to existing program outcomes.
Should any program outcomes be removed? Please select (any).
Please describe any recommended new program outcomes.
What are emerging trends?
What skills and competencies are desired for entry-level positions?
What certifications are desired for entry-level positions?
What roles are commonly being filled by entry-level candidates?
What is the ideal length/scope of an academic internship for graduates to be prepared for the workforce?
What are some example projects and roles for an internship?
Does your organization have an internship program? If so, how does it work?
What are some anticipated challenges to hiring an intern?
Do you consider any of these challenges temporary due to COVID?
 What resources would remove these barriers?
What is the current demand for hiring entry-level positions?
What do you expect the demand to be in the next 5 years?
What questions should we be asking that we are not?
What other thoughts and ideas would you like to share?
Email Address
Job Title
Are you interested in joining our focus group discussion on Tuesday June 29th from 3pm-5pm?
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