Hope Valley Riding Club Somerford Camp 2025
UPDATE 13TH FEBRUARY 2025 - all places have now been taken so it will be waiting list only.  if you would like to go on the waiting list please complete this form, completing sections 1,2 & 4 only.  You will need to skip through the other sections to get to the submit button. 

Saturday 30th August to Thursday 4th September 2025.  We have some significant changes for our Senior Summer camp 2025! 

This year it's a five day camp, arriving Saturday 30th August and leaving Thursday 4th September.  We will also be in a different barn - Barn C - which has a maximum of 31 stables. We are anticipating demand to be brisk for these places, so get your form in and payments made to secure your place! 

The overall cost has increased to cover the extra days, but it is even better value per day at £336.00 per person with one horse for the five days.  This includes the farm ride for five days, plus all your food, pavilion facilities, stables with two bales of shavings and hay/ haylage.  Lessons are charged on top and are completely optional. 

You must be a fully paid up member aged 18 years and over to book a place.  You can pay your membership on Horse Monkey. https://tinyurl.com/HVRC-membership

We pride ourselves on having a friendly camp that supports all levels of riders. Horses are treated to lovely stables and riders are treated to fantastic facilities and company! You sleep in your lorry/trailer/tent/caravan and we have a smart Pavilion with hot showers, kitchens etc. Somerford has very comfy camping pods available to book - see their website.  All campers are required to contribute to the jobs involved during the week - poo picking and other jobs as part of a rota (but no cooking!). 

The cost:
* One rider plus one horse is £336.00 which includes: a stable with two bales of shavings;  hay or haylage (both will be provided); all Somerford facilities including the farm ride everyday, cross country fields and arenas; the pavilion facilities including hot showers; and your food for the five days.  
* Non riders are very welcome at £135 for the pavilion facilities and catering.  
* Lessons are charged in addition, according to the sessions chosen.  
* Electric hook up is available - book directly with Somerford https://somerfordpark.co.uk/shop/.  It costs £50 minimum charge for two nights and £20 per additional night.
* Additional bales of shavings available at camp at £9.50 per bale  
* Due to the reduced number of places we can only take bookings for one horse per person.  If you would like to take a second horse please let us know and we can put you on the waiting list so we can let you know if there is a late cancellation.

* The deposit of £150 is required as soon as your place has been confirmed, when you will be sent your camp booking number and payment details.  Payment of the deposit will hold your place until 1st May 2025. 
* The full balance is due by 1st May 2025 and any places not paid in full by this date will be offered to the waiting list. 
*Refunds for cancelled places can only be paid if the place if taken by someone on the waiting list.  

Somerford rules and regs:
Somerford Park Farm has strict rules and regulations that we must observe so please familiarise yourself with these by clicking this link:  http://tinyurl.com/Camp-2024-rules-and-regs

Please note that your horse must have had a flue vaccination within twelve months prior to camp and no dogs are allowed.

Waiting list:
Once all places have been allocated, names will go onto a waiting list - we always have a number of people dropping out, usually due to horse or rider injury, so it is worth going on the list.

How to book:
1.  Complete the sections below, any question with a red star must be completed before you can move on to the next section. 
2.  Keep a note of the costs and add up as you go 
3.  When you have finished press 'Send'. IMPORTANT! don't click 'send' more than once as this will duplicate your booking!  

Note: There is an automatic acknowledgement of receipt of the form and you will get confirmation of a place being available, with the details of how to pay, a few days later.  If you haven't heard within a week email Josie: hvrccamp@gmail.com

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