2020 Spring Meeting - New Business
Please list below questions you would like to have discussed during the “New Business Forum.”  

Complete this form no later than Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. In order for these issues to be addressed at the Spring Meeting, your response must be recorded by the date above; NO OTHER NEW BUSINESS WILL BE DISCUSSED.

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Please state your new business: *
First and Last Name *
PGA Member Number *
Email Address *
General Meeting Rules: Philadelphia PGA business meetings will be conducted in accordance with the bylaws of the Philadelphia PGA, the PGA of America, and Roberts Rules of Order, insofar as possible.- Any items for the new business portion of the meeting must be submitted in writing to the Philadelphia PGA officers on this new business form by the established deadline.- All speakers are limited to three minutes of time for each topic, and no speaker may address one topic of discussion more than twice.- When you wish to speak, you must be recognized by the chair, then proceed to the nearest microphone and identify yourself before starting to speak.
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