Your Money Story
None of these questions will ever be published anywhere, they just let me get to know my readers so I can serve their needs better.
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What your name?
What's your email address? Don't worry, I won't spam you.
What brought you to
What first comes to your mind when you think about money?
What are some things that you think affect the way you think about money?
Do you share finances with someone else or do you fly financially solo?
Do you have kids?
Do you have pets?
What is your employment situation? Full-time, part-time, self-employed, side hustling, other? And in what industry?
Do you have a current side hustle? If so, what is it? If not, are you looking to start one and what kind?
Are you in debt? How much? What frustrates you most about your current debt situation?
Are you happy in your current financial situation? Why or why not?
Are you happy in your current employment situation? Why or why not?
What are some of your current goals in life (financial or otherwise)?
What are you hoping to learn about at
Thank you for all of this information! Anything else to add? Keep a lookout for my emails because I love doing giveaways and always let my readers in on tools and other resources I find that help me (most of them are free).
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