"Tokyo de asobo" Survey:東京であそぼう(For Non-Japanese)アンケート
Thank you for coming this page. I've just started to run the web site"Tokyo de asobo"(http://www.tokyodeasobo.com/). I would like to built a useful web site for visitor to Japan,especially Tokyo. Let's make this pleasant together!

1 person will win Pasmo card by draw!!(A single PASMO card allows you to travel by rail and bus in the Tokyo metropolitan area and can also be used for electronic money payments.)


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Do you like JAPAN?
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What was it that made you like Japan?
Have you ever been to Japan?
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If your answer was YES, where did you go?
What did you do there?
If you can go to Japan, What prefecture would you go?
If you can go to Japan, What would you do? What would you see?
What kind of image do you have of Japan?
What kind of image do you have of Tokyo?
Is there anything what you would like to know before you go to Japan(Tokyo)?
If somebody offers you  investigation of Tokyo, what do you want him to  investigate?
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"Tokyo de asobo"is a website which introduce Japanese culture and interesting spot,especialy about sightseeing in Tokyo.We would like to support Japanese learner and English learner with this site.  We are looking for company to built it together.  ☆someone who translate Japanese article into English  ☆someone who write articles in English  We need your cooperation! Let's create "Tokyo de asobo"together. If you have interest in our activity,please write your E-mail address and any questions below.
「東京であそぼう」は、日本語を勉強したい海外の人、英語を勉強したい日本の人を応援しながら、東京の観光を中心に、日本人と外国人の視点で日本の文化やスポットを紹介するサイトです。 私たちは、現在このウェブサイトを一緒に作ってくれる仲間を募集しています。  ☆日本語の記事を英訳してくださる方  ☆記事を英語で執筆して提供してくださる方  日本に興味のある方、日本語を勉強している方にぜひ力を貸して頂きたいです! みんなで「東京であそぼう」をつくりあげていきましょう。ご興味をお持ちいただけましたら、下記にE-mailアドレスとご質問などをご記入ください。
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