Application for 1-on-1 Coaching*
I'm so happy to see that you are ready to EXPLORE how having me as your coach will help you reach your goals faster! Fill out & submit this form, and you will be contacted, via email or text, within 2 business days to let you know if you've qualified for the next step in the application process which is a 20-minute call with me.

*I have two types of mentorships. One is my Personal Growth Mentorship and the other is my Business Growth Mentorship. If you qualify for a call, we will discuss which mentorship is the right fit for you.
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Your Full Name *
Your age
Your Email Address (Please check it for accuracy after entry, AND so my reply does not go to spam, make sure is added to your email Contacts list!) *
Your Mobile Phone # (Please include area code and check it for accuracy after entry!) *
Why are you seeking 1-on-1 support? What specific goals, problems, obstacles, and/or struggles do you feel you need help with? *
Have you ever had a coach? *
Which mentorship is more aligned with what you need right now? *
If you're interested in Business Growth, describe the kind of business you have, when you started it, and # of email subscribers.
What are you most passionate about? *
What are you most worried about, scared of, or frustrated with right now, if anything? *
How would you rate your commitment level to doing the work necessary to reach your goals? *
This is a 2 part question. 1) Why should you be selected to get one of these rare 1 on 1 spots? 2) What action will you take if you don't get chosen this time around? *
Link to your Instagram account (if applicable)
Link to your Facebook Page (Applicable only if interested in the Business Growth Mentorship)
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