Hip Hop Congress - Artist Educator Network Registration Form

On behalf of Hip Hop Congress, Inc. (HHC) we thank you for your dedication to the Culture by taking on a role of leadership in your community.  Our goal as one of Hip Hop's largest grassroots nonprofits is to best serve your needs and interest through our global network resources.  Becoming an official member of HHC's network provides benefits including:
1. Use of HHC name and logo on event flyers
2. Inclusion on HHC Artist and Educator Bureau page at HipHopCongress.com for bookings
3. Consideration for contracting services
4. Guaranteed newsletter and social media posts highlighting member and their events.

Please answer the following questions to become recognized as an official Artist and/or Educator member of Hip Hop Congress, Inc.!
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Your Name *
Your Title *
examples: performer (element), artist educator, workshop presenter, etc.
Phone number *
Primary contact number
Email Address *
Primary email 
Mailing Address
Please include any website or any social media links.
What city and country are you located in?
Please include your bio (250 word max) and/or any information that can assist us in developing a profile page for you. 
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