2025 WNYFAF Workshop Proposal Form
The Western New York Fiber Arts Festival Committee is seeking fiber related workshops for our upcoming 20th WNY Fiber Arts Festival on September 13, 2025! The Festival will be held at the Classic Ice Rink, 41 Riley Street in East Aurora, NY. We will again be utilizing the Lodge Building and the Locker Rooms as classrooms for this year's festival. Workshops are usually offered in 2-3 hour time sessions. Instructors who teach at the festival will receive a free lunch courtesy of the Western New York Fiber Arts Festival. Workshop class fees will be split 75/25 with the WNYFAF to offset cost of hosting workshops at the rink. Workshop materials fees are remitted to the instructors in full. Please submit your proposals using the form below before April 1, 2025. Thank you!  
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Email *
Instructor Name: *
Full Mailing Address:
This is how you will receive payment after the festival. Please double check to make sure that your address is complete and accurate. 
Telephone: *
Website: *
Social Media Links: *
Workshop Title and Description:
Please include details regarding skills participants will learn, etc. This description will be used in Social Media and on our Website to advertise your class. 
For full consideration,  Send 1-3 Images of Workshop Project to: fiberartsfest@gmail.com by 4/1/2025. (Indicate "Workshop Images" in the email subject.) *
Please Provide a brief bibliography of yourself as a workshop instructor. Include guilds or organizations where you have presented. *
Workshop Fiber Category: *
Skill Level: *
Age Range: *
Class Size: 
Please indicate your minimum amount of students you will teach.
Class Size: 
Please indicate your maximum amount of students you will teach. (Most spaces can fit about 10 people.)  
Required Room Setup: *
Workshop fees are set by Instructor; 25% of the fee is retained by WNYFAF. Class fee will be: *
Materials Fee, if any (Collected on day of registration, 100% remitted to the instructor.): *
Additional info for the Committee:  Please use this space to describe any fiber art in the 'other' category and how it relates to Fiber Arts. Also any room requirements that you may need that are marked in the 'other' category.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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