Heartfelt Getaway Couples Retreat Interest List 
Thank you for your interest in our upcoming Heartfelt Getaway Couples Retreat

This exclusive event offers a weekend dedicated to pausing, reconnecting, and nurturing your bond. Surrounded by like-minded couples, you'll receive personalized attention in an intimate setting with only 5-9 couples. You will have an opportunity to connect with other couples of color, building a supportive and uplifting community together. Expect to leave with a clearer understanding of how to choose love every day and foster deeper connections.

Please complete this form to express your interest in the retreat. We will reach out to you within 24 - 48 hours of completing this form. 

In the meantime if you have questions, feel free to email us at hello@heartfeltcounselingcenter.com
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Hi! I'm Melissa. Welcome to Heartfelt Counseling Center. Here's an intro video about me and my practice. We offer retreats and counseling services for black couples. 
How did you hear about this retreat?  *
Your First & Last Name *
Your Phone Number  *
Your Partner's First & Last Name *
Your Partner's Phone Number  *
Your Partner's Email  *
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