Application Form
We are an independent school dedicated to assisting parents in nurturing students in wisdom and virtue rooted in the Catholic Faith. Our mission is to empower them to become authors of their own lives, preparing them to thrive as adults who make meaningful contributions to family and society.

Dear parents

Welcome to the start of your educational journey with your child at Mitra Academy! We believe that parents play the most significant role in their children's education, and our school is here to support YOU. Please take a moment to complete the form below, which helps us get to know your family better. We understand it’s lengthy, but we encourage you to reflect on your family’s current path and where you envision it going. This will allow us to embark on this journey together, with a clear sense of direction.

Email *
Mother's Name and Surname *
Father's Name and Surname *
2.  Child’s Name and Surname: *
3.  Child’s Date of Birth: *
4.   Child’s Sex: *
5.  Nationality & Home Language: *
6. Religion:
7.  Child lives with (please mention everyone in the house, their relationship to the child and their age):
8.  How would you rank your involvement in your child’s education?  *
9. In what ways do you see yourself as the primary educator of your child? Describe how you currently support your child’s learning and development at home. Share a habit or routine that you implement at home to assist your child in their learning process. *
10.  How do you stay involved in your child’s education? Please provide examples of your involvement in their school or extracurricular activities. *
11.  How do you envision your role in your child’s educational journey at our school? *
12. Choose which of the following statements best describes your family’s home learning environment/culture? *
13.  Rank these in order of priority (1 being the most important and 4 being least important): *
I want my child to achieve academic success and get into a good university.
I want my child to be happy at school and have friends.
I want my child to learn the skills needed to make sound life decisions and make a meaningful contribution to society.
I want my child to be exposed to a variety of opportunities and have rich extra-curricular activities.
14.  Describe a time when your child took the lead in their own learning. How did you support this process? *
15.  How would you define success regarding your child’s progress at school? *
16.  How would you describe the ideal teacher for your child? *
17.  What would you say is your biggest challenge regarding your child? *
18.  What is your biggest concern regarding your child’s education? *
19.  On average, how much time does your child spend watching TV/the internet, playing video games, using a cell phone or tablet? *
20.  What is your tech policy/rules at home? *
21.  What age do you think a child should be given a personal device (cellphone/ tablet/ personal laptop)? Please motivate your answer. *
22.  What specific aspects of our school’s philosophy resonate with your family values? *
23.  What are your expectations regarding the partnership between the school and your family; how can our school support you as a parent in fostering your child’s education and growth? *
24.  What are the three most important values in your family? *
25.  If your family were to have a mission statement - what would it be? *
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