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Membership Application - Hope Collective Church
We are excited that you are interested in membership at Hope Collective Church! Membership is open to all interested and engaged individuals (middle school age and above) who have been baptized (or will be baptized) and have professed their faith in Jesus Christ.
Please complete the fields below and contact
if you have any questions.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First Name:
Your answer
Last Name:
Your answer
Your answer
Street Address, City; State; Zip Code
Your answer
Best email to reach you:
Your answer
Best phone number:
Your answer
Birthdate (month/day/year)
Your answer
Do you attend Hope Collective:
In person
Do you currently hold membership in another church?
If yes, please list the name of the church and the addess in the next box
Name and address of church you currently hold membership in (from above):
Your answer
Have you been Baptized?
No (If you have not been baptized, we will be in contact with you.)
If yes to baptism, list below the church you were baptized in and approximately what year:
Your answer
If yes to baptism, would you like to reaffirm your baptism?
Clear selection
Do you have any questions?
Your answer
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