JHS-News   4/5-4/12
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Watch the videos and answer the questions.
News Video  #1
Q:1. According to the news, how many people have tested positive in the Keelung cluster? *
Q:2. According to the news, among the infected there were several... *
Q:3. According to the sign in the news, Taiwan's NDC stands for... *
Q:4. According to the news, Taiwan hopes to contribute 0 greenhouse gases by the year... *
Q:5. According to the news, Taiwan bakers took the gold medal at the world bakery championship which was held in... *
News Video  #2: Watch the video with subtitles on.
Q:6. According to the news, currently Taiwanese young men must serve _____ months in the military. *
Q:7. Taiwanese military is considering how to change the period of service to _____ months. *
News Video  #3: Watch the video with subtitles on.
Q:8. According to the news, Taiwan has the lowest birth rate in the world. *
Q:9. According to the news, which was NOT a reason given for the low number of children? *
Q:10. According to the news, which was NOT a suggestion given to increase the birthrate? *
News Video  #4: Watch the video with subtitles on.
Q:11. By 2050, Taiwan hopes to get at least _____ of its energy from renewable (green) sources. *
Q:12. According to the news, Taiwan currently gets most of its energy from... *
News Video  #5: Watch the video with subtitles on.
Q:13. According to the WHO, recommends ______ of 'screen time' per day for young children. *
Q:14. Health professionals suggest busy parents.... *
News Video  #6: Watch the video with subtitles on.
Q:15. The accident occurred... *
Q:16. The accident occurred... *
Q:17. The accident stopped trains because it damaged... *
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