Book orders for June 2024
If you'd like to pick up a copy of An Editorial Cartoon (or, for that matter, Angry Jelly Donut) at the Editors Canada conference (June 21–23), please complete this form by May 25 so that I know how many to have on hand.

Because I can order in bulk, I can offer the books at discounted prices:
  • An Editorial Cartoon hardcover for CA$35 (list price CA$44)
  • An Editorial Cartoon paperback for CA$25 (list price CA$34)
  • Angry Jelly Donut hardcover for CA$18 (list price CA$25)
  • Angry Jelly Donut paperback for CA$8 (list price CA$14)
As usual, $1 from each book sold goes to charity: the Indigenous Editors Association for An Editorial Cartoon and Indspire and The Trevor Project for Angry Jelly Donut.

If you have any questions, please get in touch via my contact form.

EDIT: Hoping to pick up a copy of Midlife or Midlife No. 2? Please contact me by May 18!

Thank you so much for your support, and I look forward to seeing you there!

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Name *
Email address *
Number of copies of An Editorial Cartoon hardcover ($35) you'd like to order
Number of copies of An Editorial Cartoon paperback ($25) you'd like to order
Number of copies of Angry Jelly Donut hardcover ($18) you'd like to order
Number of copies of Angry Jelly Donut paperback ($8) you'd like to order
Preferred method of payment
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Notes—special requests, comments, etc.
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