Making a Gift of Stock, Bond, or Mutual Fund
Many of our supporters find that making this kind of gift to Skagit Land Trust is a smart and simple way to help conserve land here in the Skagit. You can make a gift of appreciated stock to the Trust while possibly avoiding capital gains tax and deriving other tax benefits. In order for the Trust to appropriately credit the gift to you, it is important for us to know your gift is coming. To request our information for gifting stock, please fill out your contact information and as many details as possible for your intended gift in the form below. Thank you!
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Please tell us more about this gift (How you would like it used, if the gift is in honor/memory, or any other details you would like to share).
Information On Your Gift
If you know the following details about the stock donation you would like give, please share them below. Please note that the gift details you provide here are nonbinding, and are used only to help verify gifts received and provide you with a proper tax acknowledgement letter. Often we receive gifts of stock without donor information attached. The information below will help us match any gifts that we receive to you.
Address - Where should we mail your tax acknowledgement letter?
What is the full name of the stock, bond, mutual fund, or other security that you would like to donate?
How many shares are you donating?
When are you planning to make this gift?
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