Rewilding Philippines (Generation Restoration) Champions (Onboarding Phase 1)
JOIN THE REWILDING PHILIPPINES (GENERATION RESTORATION) MOVEMENT in support of the United Nations Decade of Ecosystems Restoration.

By signing up, we can aggregate restoration work being done all over the Philippines across different ecosystems. Through this initiative, we hope to foster and encourage more collaboration amongst individuals and organizations involved in restoration to share knowledge and learnings so we can together achieve national goals in ecosystems restoration.

Through this initiative, people can learn about the work you do and contribute support in the eventual future.

We also intend to submit this initiative to the United Nations as support to the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), and having your voice and point on the map will contribute to showcasing all the amazing efforts being done all over the country in rewilding and restoration.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Contact number *
Age *
Location of residence *
Organization representing *
Current role/position *
Title of project to be showcased in the website *
Specific location of restoration site *
Coordinates (if available. May also send Google Maps link.) *
Choose what best describes your site/ecosystem being restored or your rewilding project *
Tenurial instrument/Agreement (Champions with partnership agreements with DENR (i.e. for National Greening Program), with LGU, have their own titled/acquired lots can be onboard in the platform. N/A if none) *
Size of area/property being restored (in square meters or hectares) *
Geographical features of the site *
In a short paragraph, tell us what you are doing in the restoration of the area (include objectives/why you are doing restoration) and with who (i.e. other stakeholders involved). This will be the short narrative included in the website to introduce your project. If you have a website or any brochure that talks about this, you may also share the link instead. *
Challenges and threats to the area (Please describe why it needs to be restored and what challenges you face when it comes to restoration). *
Natural/Biodiversity Assessments done (Include link to attachments if available. N/A if none) *
General solutions and learnings in restoration  (N/A if none) *
Communities involved (Please describe if you are working with communities in your restoration work, if any. N/A if none). *
Supporting photos of the area, the work being done, result/s, community involved if any, biodiversity, culture. Best to submit a link of google drive photos. (N/A if none) *
Partnership agreement details
By signing this form, you provide consent to be featured on the website and agree to the following terms:

1. Data privacy - All data provided exclusively belongs to you/organization and cannot be used or shared for any other purpose other than what is agreed upon here. PPBCSI is only given the rights to share the data, and data is not transferred to them as the owner based on this agreement.

2. Your Responsibilities
a. Provide information needed to showcase the restoration work
b. Secure the necessary consent from communities or stakeholders involved, as needed
c. Provide bi-annual updates for updating data on the website
d. Collaborate with Rewilding Philippines team on communications to be posted on your page or included in collaterals prior to posting to ensure accuracy in information when you are featured

3. Our Responsibilities
a. Cover the management of the Rewilding Philippines platform and onboarding of partners
b. Showcase the partners’ restoration work in accordance with accurate data given by the partners.
c. Promote partners’ advocacies and work in restoration in all social media channels and through the website.

Do you agree with the partnership agreement details? *
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