Serve with FBC

FBC is a community helping everyone discover faith in Jesus, grow in love for God and others, and live as ambassadors of hope by the power of the Spirit...

This vision is fueled by developing a growing, generous, and mission-filled team of incredible volunteers like you.

There's a place for everyone to serve and grow, including you! Choose the ones you'd like to hear more about. No commitment needed. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Which Sunday team(s)/role(s) are you interested in? (Check all that apply)
Which next generation team(s)/role(s) are you interested in?  (Check all that apply)
Which service team(s)/role(s) are you interested in?  (Check all that apply)
Learn more bout joining FBCers serving with local and global non-profits
Please provide any context on the above selection of teams + roles.
(For example: I want to play the ukelele in worship and serve in the nursery with babies twice a month.)
How often would you like to serve? *
Would you be interested in eventually leading a team?
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Is there something you're good at or love to do? (We'd love to chat about ways your skills and passions in other areas of life could flourish here!)
Please check here if you'd like to talk to someone about serving in general, and we'll be in touch. 
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