Go Math! Chapter 4 Test
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1. Find the difference. 6-3= ___? *
2. Nina has 9 pictures. She colors 7 of them.  How many pictures does she have left to color? *
3. Ella has 14 flowers. She gives some to her friend. She has 6 left. How many flowers does Ella give her friend?  14 - ___ = 6 (Think addition to subract) *
4. Find the difference. 12-5 = ___ ? *
5. What is 9 - 4 = ___?     Think: 4 + ___ = 9 What is the missing number? *
6. What is 17 - 8= ___?    Think: 8 + ___ = 17 What is the missing number? *
7. Shawn has 7 cherries. He eats 1 of them. How many cherries does he have now? *
8. Cho has 8 books. She gives 3 books to her sister. How many books does Cho have now?        8 - 3 = ___? *
9. What is 10 - 8= ___?  Think: 8 + ___ = 10 What is the missing number?
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10. Angel has 16 grapes. He eats some of them. He has 7 grapes left. How many grapes dose Angel eat? 16 - ___ = 7? *
11. Find the difference. 13-8 = ___? *
12. Which addition sentence helps you solve 12 - 5= ___? *
13. Jaime had 12 toy bears on a shelf. He takes 2 off the shelf. How many bears are on the shelf now? *
14. There are 13 bugs on a rock. Some crawl away. Now there are 4 bugs on the rock. How many bugs crawl away? 13-___=4? Think: 4 + ____=13. *
15. Jo had 10 cars. He gave 4 to his brother. How many does Jo have now? Write a number sentence to match *
16. Which number is the difference? 14-4=10 *
17. Choose a related subtraction fact to match 4+3=7. *
18. What is 12-3=___? Type your answer. *
19. Count back to subtract. ___=9-2?
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