OPERATION BACKPACK    Backpack and Hygiene Kits - Help A Child In Need Today!
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A Simple Expression Of Love...
Many of the children that we serve live in deep poverty, coming from families of migrant farm workers.  Most do not have access to basic healthcare and dental care, and many have never been to a dentist - ever.  All of the services at the clinics are at no cost and in partnership with the local church.

The backpacks have a needed hygiene kit, new socks, and a toy.  Our heart is to express love to these children in a tangible way, not only through the care they receive at the clinic, but also through a backpack!

Every child that comes through a Mission Flight clinic receives a backpack.

Watch How Backpacks Are Used...
Interested in organizing a Backpack Campaign at your school or church or community group?
Contact us anytime at 626-863-3119 or email at admin@missionflight.org

Sponsor A Backpack
For only $35, our team purchases THREE backpacks, hygiene kits, and supplies in Mexico to support their local economy.  All supplies will be bought from local stores in Mexico (i.e. San Quintin, Tepic, etc) and packed by volunteers from the local church together with volunteers from the U.S.

You can sponsor on a one-time basis or monthly basis.

If you sponsor monthly, your impact will be ongoing!

To sponsor a backpack, click on the secure link below:

Backpack Outreach Giving Page

It's fast, easy, secure, and tax-deductible!

We currently pass out over 1,200 backpacks per year and greatly desire to see this continue to GROW because of generous partners like YOU!

Can I Donate A Backpack And Supplies Instead Of Sponsoring?
Yes, but we slightly prefer that you sponsor one.  Here's why...

Every backpack that we pack in the U.S. and take to an impoverished area actually hurts their struggling economy in the long run.  Alternatively, every backpack that you sponsor enables us to purchase supplies in the local town, having a long-term economic micro-boost to their economy.  Additionally, it costs us roughly $20 to fly each backpack, with supplies, from the U.S. into Mexico.

With that said, it is indeed very meaningful (for both kids and adults) to purchase supplies and backpacks and donate them.  It is a very tangible way to help and serve those in need.  If you have a strong preference for this option, we are more than happy to accommodate.

Here's the list of things to pack:

- Basic School Supplies
  Pens, Pencils, Crayons, Solar Calculator, Lined Paper, Eraser, etc
- Hygiene Kit
  Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Dental Floss, Comb, Shampoo, Soap
- 2 New Pairs of Socks (must be new)
- Small toy or stuffed animal
- A short note from you to the child
- For BOYS - attach a blue piece of yarn. For GIRLS - attach a pink piece of yarn
- Pray for the child and family who will be receiving it

- $20 check inside each backpack for the cost of getting it to the site and the import tax.

   Checks payable to "Mission Flight" memo "backpack" or online at

Backpack Outreach Giving Page

   * If you give online, please print your electronic receipt and place inside the backpack

DO NOT include:

 - Food items including candy or chocolate
 - Army toys or toy guns
 - Used clothing of any kind

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Many migrant farm workers use torn plastic sheets that were used to cover crops to make their homes.
The Backpack Program is a vital part of our clinics and outreach.
Through service, love, and compassion, this child is cared for and then receives a backpack with school supplies, a hygiene kit, and a toy - all because someone like YOU took the effort to GIVE.  Thank you!
$35 per month will sponsor 3 backpacks!  PLEASE HELP TODAY.
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