Vjtha- DataStructure Exam
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1. Which data structure is best suited for implementing a LIFO (Last In, First Out) functionality? *
1 point
2. In which data structure do elements follow a linear order and have a fixed size? *
1 point
3. Which data structure allows efficient insertion and deletion operations from both ends? *
1 point
4. Which data structure uses the concept of "First In, First Out"? *
1 point
5. Which data structure is not dynamic in size? *
1 point
6. Which data structure is used to represent a hierarchical relationship? *
1 point
7. Which data structure is typically implemented using pointers? *
1 point
8. Which data structure is used in breadth-first search (BFS) traversal? *
1 point
9. Which data structure represents a collection of nodes connected by edges? *
1 point
10. Which data structure does not require contiguous memory allocation? *
1 point
11. Which data structure uses the concept of "top" and "bottom"? *
1 point
12. Which data structure uses the concept of "parent" and "child" nodes? *
1 point
13. Which data structure allows elements to be accessed randomly using indices? *
1 point
14. Which data structure follows the LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle? *
1 point
15. Which data structure is not suitable for implementing a priority queue? *
1 point
16. Which data structure uses the concept of "front" and "rear"? *
1 point
17. Which data structure is used in depth-first search (DFS) traversal? *
1 point
18. Which data structure is most efficient for searching, insertion, and deletion when the elements are sorted? *
1 point
19. Which data structure uses the concept of "head" and "tail"? *
1 point
20. Which data structure is not suitable for representing non-linear relationships between elements? *
1 point
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