Turner Lab undergrad research interest form
Please see our "Turner Lab Undergraduate Research Description" page (at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FwjuNO05a_Ip-r8nGIlX46Duoz2lXH5SxC3n6GbiUsw/edit?usp=sharing) before entering your information on this form. Email Dr. Turner (turnkat2@isu.edu) if you have read this page and still have questions.
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Name *
Email address *
Basic information
ISU email address (if different from above)
Anticipated graduation *
Major (and minor if applicable) *
It is important for us to ask about your schedule because some of our lab protocols can take a few continuous hours and cannot be halted once started. Please see our "Turner Lab Undergraduate Research Description" page (link above) for more details:
Based on your current schedule, how many hours on average could you dedicate to your research in the Turner Lab per week? (M-F) *
Based on your current schedule, how long of a continuous block of time per day will you be able to dedicate to your research in the Turner Lab? (M-F) *
Personal statement
Please write a paragraph to introduce yourself to the lab! Please be sure to discuss why you would like to conduct research in the Turner lab, which projects you are interested in, what sorts of things you hope to learn through your experience working with us, and what lab skills you have (if any). [500 word limit]
Please write your brief personal statement in the box below. *
Curriculum Vitae/Resume
Please paste a version of your CV or resume below, and don't worry too much about the formatting. ISU offers many online resources for constructing an effective CV and/or resume (for example https://www.isu.edu/career/resume-reviews/). Please include the following in yours:

Your current schedule/availability
Any Biology, Computer Science, and/or lab or field classes you've taken
Research interests and experiences
Extracurricular activities
Please enter a brief curriculum vitae or academic resume below. *
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