- Subjects, activities or topics promoting hate or violence towards people or groups will not be accepted.
- Stay within your rating. Panel ratings help us determine which age groups your panel is intended for. Please remember that we are a family-friendly convention, and there are people of all ages (including children) who attend panels. Be mindful of all content and speech in non-18+ panels.
- Treat equipment with care.
- Do not remove equipment from the room.
- All persons in the room must have a badge! All attendees and panelists must have a badge for the convention in accordance with our policies. Even if you are just there to help someone run a panel, you must have a badge to be in convention space.
- Be aware of your time! Panels are scheduled to allow for setup/teardown time, so don't linger in the room after your panel or run over your allotted time. This is especially important for panels scheduled at the end of day—there is a strict time to be out of the aquatic center, so you must end at your scheduled time.
What is a panel?A panel is usually a presentation, or discussion about a certain topic Some panels may be interactive and include games or quizzes, how-tos, or an introduction to a new topic. We encourage applicants to bring forward interesting and engaging subjects and activities to help broaden the knowledge-base of the hobby and professional industry of mermaiding.
I'm thinking of running a panel on (blank) but I don't know if people will be interested in it. Should I submit an application?One way to determine if a topic or activity has interest, is to do research and identify any underlying issues, needs, or under-represented topics in the industry. Explore your topic with others such as in online groups to gauge community interest. Sometimes you just won't know until you try!
How do I submit a panel application?Panel applications are available below, on this page. When you submit your application, please be sure to clearly describe what your panel is about. This description is what helps decide what panels are accepted for the year.
Can I apply to present more than one panel?
Yes. However the confluence is committed to diversity of content and presenters.
How do I know my panel application was submitted?You will receive a message notifying you that your application was submitted successfully.
I submitted an application. Does that mean I'm running a panel?Not yet. Once the application deadline has passed, all panels will be reviewed and each panelist will be notified by email whether or not their panel has been accepted. Please note that even if your panel does not get accepted you will still be notified regardless.
When will I know if my panel has been accepted?
Notifications will go out in April of 2025. Notifications are sent out after a preliminary schedule has been created, and that process can take a few weeks, so please be patient.