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1. Complete the sequence 20, 24, ___, 32, ___, ___ *
1 point
2. Double 100 is.... *
1 point
3. Double 800 is.... *
1 point
4. Smile Multiplication 80 x 20 = *
1 point
5. Coin card for x 32 *
1 point
6. Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 10 without going past 134. What number is he hiding behind? *
1 point
7. Column Addition: 612 + 54 = *
1 point
8. Column Addition: 274 + 65 = *
1 point
9. Column Addition: 257 + 32 = *
1 point
10. Number line Subtraction:  733 - 81 = *
1 point
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