Caret Talent: Get Hired
At Caret, we vet, hire and manage exceptional non-tech talent for high-growth companies. We are always looking for people to join our team. Is this you? Please express you interest by completing this form. Let's get to know more about you.

Want to learn more? Check out our job descriptions here →
Got questions? Shoot us an email at careers [at] caretHQ [dot] com
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Email *
What's your first name? *
...and your last name? *
What country do you live in? *
What city / state do you live in? *
What's your gender? *
How many years of work experience do you have? *
What is your monthly salary expectation in Nigerian Naira? *
Please quote the net monthly salary you'd like to earn. For conversion from other currencies, please visit
Are you currently employed? *
What roles are you interested in? *
Please pick your top three only
What's your work preference? *
Please drop a publicly viewable link to your CV below. *
Our preference is for Google Drive and Dropbox links. Please double check that anyone on the internet can view your CV through this link.
How much time do you need before you can start a new role? *
Think of this as your notice period.
How did you hear about us? *
Can we retain your information to send you future opportunities? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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