Balanced Bath & Body
Please fill out the following form to place an order for Balanced Bath & Body. We will reach out to confirm the order after you submit the form. Please make sure to leave either your email or phone number.
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Email *
Phone Number (optional)
Name *
If you plan on ordering more than 10 bath bombs, please place your order here. Special pricing is available for orders of this quantity or larger.
Standard Bombs   [Pricing and quantity listed after this question] *
How many of each bath bomb would you like to purchase?     [1 for $6, 3 for $15, 5 for $22]                   *Applies to ANY purchase regardless of scent*
Christmas Bundle - 1 of each bath bomb scent - 5 total [$22 - $4.4 each] *
How many Christmas Bundles would you like to order?
Would you like implants in your bomb? No extra charge. *
Anything else we need to know to make sure you get your product? [Delivery instructions, allergies, special requests]
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