Participate in Library Partnership Rating
Interested in the Library Partnership Rating for journal publishers? Complete this form to request a rating, receive updates, or get involved.
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Recommend a Publisher to Rate
Would you like to see a particular journal publisher evaluated? Provide the publisher name here. Separate multiple publisher names with a semicolon.
For Librarians and Library Organizations
If you are not affiliated with libraries or library organizations, do not complete this section. Move on to "For Publishers and Publishing Organizations."

If you are a library-owned publisher, do not complete this section. Move on to "For Publishers and Publishing Organizations."
As a librarian, are you interested in serving as an evaluator, scoring journal publishers using the LPR Rubric?
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As a librarian, which of the following is of interest to you?
If "other," please provide more information:
For Publishers and Publishing Organizations
If you are not affiliated with publishers or publishing organizations, do not complete this section. Move on to the last section, "Questions and Comments."
As a publisher, which of the following is of interest to you?
If "other," please provide more information:
Questions and Comments
For validation purposes: What is 5+2?
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