Stonehaven at Vinings Pool Interest Survey
The original builder plans for our neighborhood included a pool in the Pocket Park space.

A pool creates a stronger sense of community and increase home values. (Houses in Wakefield Estates across the street are selling in the high 700ks/800ks.  Our houses are larger, but they have a pool.)

There is a growing interest in our community to build the pool. Are you interested?

Let's grow our community!
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What is your address? *
What is your name? *
Do you want a neighborhood pool? *
Will you volunteer on the pool committee to research and work on the pool project? *
If yes, please provide your contact information (name, phone number and email address)
Please share any comments you have below.  (This survey is not affiliated with the HOA, but the data will be provided to them if the response reflects that a pool is desired.  Your contact information will only be shared with them if you volunteered to be on the pool committee.)
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