Livingston Public Library Adult Services Booking Request Form
Thank you for contacting the Livingston Public Library. We understand that you are interested in presenting at our library. Currently, we are receiving overwhelming interest in booking programs, and are asking all presenters and performers to fill out an online booking request form.

Again, due to overwhelming interest and limited dates and availability of our Program Room, we can only reach out to candidates of interest.  We appreciate your time and understanding.  Please make sure to indicate if you can also do the program virtually, as it helps with our flexibility of scheduling performers.
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Name *
Email *
Phone *
Description of Presentation/Performance *
Do you charge for this presentation/performance? *
If yes, what is the cost? (please put n/a for free) *
How long is the presentation/performance? *
Have you presented/performed at a library before? *
If so, where and when?
Can this program be presented in-person, virtually, or both? *
Link to website (if applicable)
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This form was created inside of Bergen County Cooperative Library System.

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