Expressions of Interest & Application Form
Thank you for your interest in INTO THE WILD SNOW QUESTS.

In order to understand your needs and desires, please complete the information below.

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First Name [adult making enquiry] *
Best contact EMAIL [adult making enquiry] *
Contact Number [adult making booking] *
What is the number of ADULTS in your family/group? *
What is the number of CHILDREN (under 18 years in your family/group?) *
What is the number & age of CHILDREN (under 18 years in your family/group?)
Age 0-3 years
4-6 years
7-8 years
9-11 years
12-14 years
16-18 years
How many days would your ideal snow adventure be?  *
What is the average skill ability of your group? 

Beginner: Either NEVER skied or snowboarded before OR is able to focus on the basics of stopping and turning on very gentle slopes. 

Intermediate: Able to confidently ski or snow board green and easy blue runs and are comfortable on less-than-ideal trail conditions.

Advanced: Able to confidently ski or snow board blue and blue-black runs. 

What interests you most about a SNOW QUEST? (Choose all that apply) *
Is there anything else we should know about your needs and desires? 
Do you have any questions or concerns?
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