Stair Learning Platform assessment Questionnaire 
Thank you for participating in this Stairs 2022-2-IT02-KA210-SCH-000097208  CUP H81I22000540006 - STem education program for AIR pollution in schools questionnaire on the learning materials provided in the project's platform. Your feedback will help us understand the relevance of the Project results. Please rate your responses on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest rating (not important, very poor, strongly disagree) and 5 being the highest rating (extremely important, very good, strongly agree).

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1. The Toolkit

Question: The toolkit provided by the learning platform is comprehensive and caters to all my learning needs.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
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2. The Technical Toolkit

Question: The technical tools (e.g., software, coding platforms) available on the learning platform are up-to-date, reliable, and support my learning effectively.

strongly disagree
strongly agree
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3. The Student Toolkit

Question: The resources and tools specifically designed for student use (e.g., note-taking apps, study planners) are user-friendly and enhance my learning experience.

strongly disagree
strongly agree
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4. The Guidelines

Question: The guidelines provided for using the learning platform are clear, easy to understand, and help me navigate the system efficiently.

strongly disagree
strongly agree
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5. The Videos

Question: The video content available on the platform is engaging, informative, and significantly contributes to my learning process

strongly disagree
strongly agree
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6. The Game

Question: The games or gamified elements incorporated into the learning platform make learning more enjoyable and effective.

strongly disagree
strongly agree
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7. Final General Evaluation of the STAIR Methodology

Question: Overall, the STAIR (Step-by-Step Teaching and Interactive Resources) methodology used by this platform enhances the learning experience and outcomes.

strongly disagree
strongly agree
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