Backyard Nature Hunt
What can you find in your backyard or a near by natural space?
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Find three different kinds of leaves, Use the internet to search what their names are and describe them below.
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Find an insect and describe it below.  
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Describe something living under a rock or log, use at least 3 adjectives.
Search for water, a nearby creek, river, or even a puddle or a place that dew gathers. Did you find any water sources? *
Describe something that shows that an animal might have been in that space, like a track, fur, or droppings. Use 4 adjectives to describe what you found.
Count how many digits this animal has, Does it have claws? How big do you think it could be? These are all things you can use to describe a track that you find.
How many different kinds of seeds can you find?
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Close your eyes and listen to the bird songs, How many different songs do you hear?
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Does your space have food for animals? Possible food sources are seeds, vegetation, insects, or other small animals. List 5 things that you saw that could be food and the animal that would eat it.
Deer are herbivors that eat plants. Many species of deer have learned how to survive in urban areas and cities.
Animals need food, shelter, water, and space. Larger animals need larger amounts for food, shelter, water and space. Smaller animals and insects can live with less. What kind of animal might be able to live in the space you explored? Write your response as a CER for extra points
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