WRS Level 1 Certification
Duration: Individuals have 12 months from the date of enrollment to complete the online course and practicum. If site-based, participants are encouraged to complete certification within the school year.

Cost: $2,750

If you would like to register multiple participants for WRS Level 1 Certification, please email Tara Montgomery at tmontgomery@hydeparkday.org.  
Schools registering 3 or more teachers will receive a 10% discount; Schools registering 5 or more teachers will receive a 20% discount.

Program Start Date: August 28, 2024 
Alternative start dates are available upon request.

Wilson Credentialed Trainers: Tara Montgomery or Kristin Graham

The WRS Level I Certification course is designed to prepare teachers to effectively implement WRS Steps 1-6 with students who are reading and spelling below grade level as well as those diagnosed with a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia. It consists of two components: WRS Intensive Instruction for the Non-Responsive Reader: (Steps 1-6) Online Course and the WRS Level I Steps 1-6 Practicum.

Additional information and program requirements can be found at the link below:

For questions regarding Level 1 Certification, please email Tara Montgomery at tmontgomery@hydeparkday.org.

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first name *
last name *
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school *
Have you attended the WRS Introductory Course in the past five years? *
When and where did you attend the WRS Introductory Course?
Required Materials:
 The WRS INTRODUCTORY SET (STEPS 1-6), 4TH EDITION, is required for this program.  Please order directly by using this link: https://store.wilsonlanguage.com/-wrs-introductory-set-steps-1-6-4th-edition-

Do you already have or have you ordered the program materials?
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Practicum Student Requirements:
The practicum student must meet the following criteria and be approved by Wilson Language Training before instruction begins.

In or entering grades 4-12 (grade 3 approved if student has been retained).
Overall cognitive ability in average range (minimum IQ = 80).
Overall reading must be ranked in the 5th to 30th percentile with a minimum total reading score of grade 2.0.
Student’s listening comprehension ability is higher than independent reading comprehension.
Student has poor decoding and spelling skills.
Student must be available to be scheduled for a minimum of three to four 45-minute lessons or two to three 60-90 minute lessons per week (1:1).
The practicum student must not have any previous Wilson instruction.
Do you or will you have access to a practicum student who meets the program requirements listed above for the required number of sessions per week?
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Required Assessments:
For practicum student approval, the WIST (Word Identification and Spelling Test) plus another formal reading test must be administered and results submitted to your supervising Wilson trainer. Any of the following is suggested:

Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests – R
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests – III
Woodcock-Johnson® IV Tests of Achievement
Woodcock-Johnson® III Diagnostic Reading Battery
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® II or III
A similar individualized reading assessment may be substituted if it provides information regarding decoding, comprehension, and total reading. Prior approval from Wilson Language Training is required.
Do you have access to normed reading assessments (The WIST and a secondary normed reading test)?
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Required Observations
Each teacher will be observed five times teaching the practicum student. Each observation is scheduled with the Wilson® Credentialed Trainer and lasts approximately 60-75 minutes.  Observations can be conducted in-person or they can be conducted live via Zoom.  In-person observations may be available for teachers in the Chicago area during regular school hours.  Outside of the Chicago area, additional travel fees will apply. 
Which format do you expect to use for your observation lessons?
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Which method of payment will you be using?
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Will you require specific items in order to process payment (i.e. Invoice, W-9)?  Please list needed items below.
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