SimplyVanilla Applications
This is the application form for the SimplyVanilla smp.

No details entered in this form will be used for anything other than the application process.
Join the discord at -
Be honest on your application, lying will only reduce your chances as will using AI.

We are fair but thorough with our applications so try to stay clear of single word answers, images/videos also help alot :D
What is your preferred name? *
What is your discord? *
What is your Minecraft Username *
Where did you find SimplyVanilla? If you heard from a friend, please specify who! *
How old are you? *
Do you own a legitimate version of Minecraft Java Edition? *
What timezone do you live in? *
Describe your playstyle and/or main interests in the game. *
Describe your personality and/or interests. *
If possible link any videos/images/other you have done in minecraft via google drive/youtube/reddit/imgur/etc make sure anything is shared publicly or with so we can see it!
Alternatively DM mattioiscattio on discord with any images.
Is there anything else we should know/that you want to say here?
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