Cybercrime Prevention Programme Quiz
Time Allocated (30mins)
Passing Criteria: 75%
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Q1. Upon completion of the UG Cybercrime Prevention Programme, you will be able to:

1 point
Q2. Which of the statements below are true for cybercrime and online scams?

i. Cybercrime targets a computer, a computer network, or a networked device.
ii. In Singapore, the Computer Misuse Act is used to protect users from cybercrime.
iii. Cybercrime and online scams are not a concern in Singapore as we are well protected.
iv. Online scams use the internet to steal someone else’s personal information and assets.

1 point
Q3. Which of the following are examples of cybercrime/online scams?

i. Ransomware.
ii. Hacking of online game accounts.
iii. Social Media impersonation Scams.
iv. Intrusion of online classes.
v. Malware attacks through the opening of unknown files.
1 point
Q4. Russell found out that he could enter another school's online class through Zoom as he had obtained the meeting ID and passcode from an online forum he visited. He then entered the virtual classroom and attended the class until the teacher discovered that he was not one of his students and removed him from the class. Russell did it as a prank and did not mean to cause harm to anyone in the classroom. Which of the following statement is true? *
1 point
Q5. Thomas watched a YouTube video on the basics of hacking and decided to try hacking into his school's website. When he succeeded in doing so, he was afraid that he might be discovered and quickly turned off his computer. Which of the following statement is true? *
1 point
Q6. Melissa did not feel like attending her virtual geography class and decided to pass the meeting ID and passcode to her friend Jane to attend on her behalf. Jane attended the class with the camera function off, and no one discovered that Melissa did not attend the class. Which of the following statement is true? *
1 point
Q7. What are the 4 main cyber hygiene tips you can adopt to stay safe online?

i. Enable 2FA and use Strong Passphrases.
ii. Delete all internet browsing history at the end of each day.
iii. Beware of Phishing Scams.
iv. Update software promptly.
v. Use Security Apps.
1 point
Q8. Which of the following is a good example of a strong password? *
1 point
Q9. What does 2FA stand for? *
1 point
Q10. What is the advantage of setting up 2FA? *
1 point
Q11. Which of the following is NOT a sign(s) of phishing?

i. Mismatched and misleading information.
ii. Use of urgent and threatening language.
iii. Requests for confidential information.
iv. Requests for your response via official websites.
1 point
Q12. Phishing websites can look professional and identical to genuine websites.
1 point
Q13. You are an XXX bank customer. One day, you received a WhatsApp message informing you that your XXX account was suspended due to suspicious activities detected. A URL was provided for you to login to your internet banking to rectify the issue. You should click on the URL link to check on the status of your bank account.
1 point
Q14. Why should you update your software regularly? *
1 point
Q15. You should download security apps such as anti-virus software for the following device(s):

i. Desktop Computers
ii. Laptops
iii. Tablet PCs
1 point
Q16. What are some factors to consider when choosing a security app?

i. Features for automatic updates and scanning.
ii. Malware removal capabilities.
iii. The features are user-friendly.
iv. Positive user reviews.
1 point
Q17. Which of the following are prevention measures we should adopt when using public Wi-Fi?

i. Not performing sensitive transactions like making in-game purchases.
ii. Avoiding websites that require you to log into your accounts.
iii. Visiting only websites that use HTTPS.
iv. Disabling file sharing.
1 point
Q18. Which of the following is considered a cyber-enabled crime? *
1 point
Q19. For SingPass related phishing scams, what are the preventive measures that you can adopt?

i. Always remember that SingPass does not send SMSes containing URLs asking you to log in with your credentials.
ii. Always update your contact details in SingPass so that you can be alerted of any suspicious logins.
iii. Never disclose your personal or Internet banking details and One-Time-Passwords (OTPs) to anyone.
iv. Report any fraudulent transactions to your bank immediately.
1 point
Q20. You received an SMS from someone who claims to be from “XXX” bank. He had requested for your help to participate in a survey and in return you will receive a cash reward of $80.00. He then sent a screenshot of a Singpass QR code and instructed you to scan it so that he can verify your bank details before sending the cash reward to you. Which of the statements below are correct?

i. Complete the survey and scan the QR code as requested since you can earn extra cash.
ii. Treat this as a suspicious SMS and verify with the bank’s official website on whether there was indeed such a survey exercise going on.
iii. Do not scan the QR code provided as it is likely a scam to retrieve your personal information.
iv. Reply the SMS to ask for more information before deciding whether you should take part in the survey.
1 point
Q21. For e-commerce scams, only buyers are targeted by scammers. *
1 point
Q22. For online sales platforms related phishing scams, what are the preventive measures that you can adopt?

i. Do not click on dubious URL links and always verify the URL links.
ii. If in doubt, always verify the authenticity of the information with the e-commerce platform directly.
iii. Never disclose your personal or Internet banking details and One-Time-Passwords (OTPs) to anyone.
iv. Report any suspicious user and fraudulent transaction from the online marketplace to the e-commerce platform.
v. Beware of buyers asking for an email address or phone number on the pretext that these details are required for the buyer to make an order.
1 point
Q23. What should you do if you receive a Instagram direct message from your friend claiming you have won a prize, and asking for your personal information? *
1 point
Q24. A cousin of yours sent a message to you via WhatsApp, claiming that a 6-digit verification code was sent to you by mistake. As this is a close cousin of yours, you should trust the message and immediately forward the verification code to him/her. *
1 point
Q25. Support staff from WhatsApp would never call and ask for your 6-digit verification code to verify your account.
1 point
Q26. Which of the following is a prevention measure you can adopt against WhatsApp Account Takeover Scams? *
1 point
Q27. What does ACT stand for in the Singapore ongoing campaign against scams?
1 point
Q28. Which of the following website allows you to check if your email account has been compromised in a data breach? *
1 point
Q29. Scamshield can identify fraudulent SMS messages by spotting key words commonly found in such messages through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
1 point
Q30. Which of the following statements is true about cybersecurity?
1 point
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