Point XNet Pluto Testnet Participation
This is a form for testnet validators to apply, so that we know how to get in touch with you and where to send you the xPOINT (testnet tokens) so you have a stake.

If you have any questions, please ask on our https://pointnetwork.io/discord in the #validators channel or in our Telegram Chat: https://t.me/pointnetworkchat
Email *
Have you already joined #validators channel on our discord? https://pointnetwork.io/discord  *
Please provide your Discord username#id *
Please provide your Ethereum-compatible address that you will use for the testnet validator (for example, generated from Metamask - 0x...) *

Have you already bought POINT at presale? Your rewards for testnet will be scaled based on your real stake.


How tech-savvy are you? (check all that apply)


If you have ever run nodes/validators, please summarize which chains & your experience:

We will send you documentation on details and how to run it, but so far, any other comments or questions you have for us? Anything you want us to know?

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