Financial Aid Quiz
Email *
Please enter your name. *
What does FAFSA stand for? *
How often should you fill out your FAFSA? *
What are the four main types of financial aid? *
Who should you contact if you have questions about your financial aid? *
What is the WV Invests Grant sometimes called? *
What are the basic requirements to receive the WV Invests Grant? Select all that apply. *
Where can you find a complete list of eligibility requirements for the WV Invests Grant? *
What could prevent you from registering for an upcoming semester? *
Why should you be careful when applying for a credit card? *
Why is it important to create a budget? *
What are some ways to save money? Select all that apply. *
Can you charge textbooks to your Financial Aid account? *
Where can you get income adjusted healthcare? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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