CENLA 4WARD Nomination Form
CENLA 4WARD is a new under-40 recognition program for members of the central Louisiana community. The program is facilitated by the Young Professionals Group of Central Louisiana and the Central Louisiana Regional Chamber of Commerce.

CENLA 4WARD is dedicated to recognizing individuals who exhibit the 4 pillars that move communities 4WARD:

Nominees must work or reside in a parish in the central Louisiana region (Avoyelles, Catahoula, Concordia,  Grant, Lasalle, Rapides, or Winn), and be 39 years old or younger as of December 31, 2023. Nominations are due on September 27, 2024.

Both companies and individuals can submit nominations for a $100 nomination fee. YPG and Chamber members and sponsors will receive a 50% discount on all nominations. Invoices will be sent upon receipt of this nomination form, and all fees must be paid before October 15 in order for nominations to be considered.

Nominations will be evaluated based on a judges panel consisting of no less than 3 community members. Nominees will be notified of their nomination and have the opportunity to submit additional materials such as resumes or personal statements to support their nomination.

Honored nominees will be officially announced in November and celebrated at an Awards Banquet. More info to come soon.
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