library Information & Society
Assignment Week 6
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Fill in the blank:Libraries have changed from standalone entities to ___ organisations. *
1 point
Resource sharing in the context of libraries refers to sharing of i) information resources ii) infrastructure iii) staff expertise iv) users *
1 point
Some of the reasons for resource sharing not being verysuccessful prior to the application of ICT are:         i) Geographical distance between libraries                        ii) Libraries were not aware of the concept                            iii) Duplication and transmission of printdocuments was not possible   iv) Libraries did not have resources *
1 point
The credit of cooperative cataloguing services by introducing card distribution service in 1901 goes to *
1 point
Fill in the blank:----------provided input from India in the INIS database *
1 point
Match the following? *
1 point
Captionless Image
State True or False:Rationalisation of acquisition is one of the major objectives of library networks *
1 point
e- Shodhsindhu is a consortium of e resources for -------- *
1 point
State True or False:INDEST, a consortium of engineering, science and technology libraries still exists with headquarters at IIT Delhi *
1 point
State True or False:ICOLC is a consortia of India *
1 point
Source: SWAYAM
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