2023 Summer Summit Call for Presenters
The South Dakota Department of Labor and the South Dakota Association for Lifelong Learning (SDALL) are proud to cohost South Dakota 2023 South Dakota Summer Summit.
This year's conference will take place July 26-28, 2023 at Arrowwood Resort & Conference Center at Cedar Shore in Oacoma/Chamberlain, South Dakota. To help ensure this year’s event success, we need trainers and practitioners from across the region to share their expertise and best practices in adult education.
The Conference Committee carefully reviewed comments and suggestions from past conference attendees, as well as national trends related to WIOA legislation and the field of adult education to help guide the direction of presentations.
Specific topics of interest include distance education, technology integration, learning differences, multilevel instruction, motivation of staff and students, teacher effectiveness, instruction in a correctional setting, and data-driven recruitment.
All proposals relevant to adult education will be considered, with priority given to those presentations aligned with the aforementioned content strands.
Breakout Sessions are 75 minutes in length and there will be multiple breakout sessions at the same time.
Proposal Guidelines:
1. All proposals must be submitted by May1, 2023.
2. Please fill out the following form completely. If you have trouble submitting the form, please review the form for red boxes and error messages.
3. Information as it appears in this application will be used in the conference materials.
4. If selected, the lead presenter agrees to share presentations with session attendees, communicate with co-presenters, and coordinate/pay for any audio/visual equipment required beyond the screen, LCD projector, and flipchart provided.
5. Please submit ONE application per session proposed.
7. Proposals will be evaluated on the extent to which they
•state clear objectives
• engage participants through discussion or hands-on activities
• provide information, strategies, or tools participants can use in their work
• address the methods and topics as described above
• are timely and relevant to adult literacy and education practitioners
Proposal Deadline is May 1, 2023. Applicants will be notified by May 30 2023.
If you have questions, please contact Kim Olson, SD PD Team Member, at 605-353-7175 or Kim.Olson@CornerstonesCareer.com