Student Experience Survey 2024 - 2025
The school counseling department wants to ensure we provide programs that meet your needs and wants to know how well you believe the school counselor is meeting your needs. Please be totally honest in your responses. This survey will help us learn how many students need advising support and activities on certain topics. Thank you for helping us better meet your needs. PLEASE READ EACH STATEMENT AND MARK THE MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER CHOICE FOR YOU.
Share your experiences working with your school counselor.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I know who my school counselor is.
My school counselor likes me.
My school counselor is available to me when I need to see him or her.
I have met with my school counselor individually in the past year to review or update my Personal Graduation Plan.
I feel comfortable talking to my school counselor about my future.
Clear selection
Reflect on the awareness of the pathways offered by your school, and access to those pathways.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am aware of the CTE Programs of Study offered by my school.
I am aware of the Work-based Learning and apprenticeship opportunities offered by my school.
I am aware of the Dual Credit, AP, and/or IB course opportunities offered by my school.
An adult at my school has encouraged me to participate in a CTE Program of Study, Dual Credit course, AP course, or IB course.
All students at my school have an equal opportunity to participate in a CTE Program of Study, Dual Credit course, AP course, or IB course.
Clear selection
Reflect on whether adults at your school believe in you and are supportive of your future plans.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
Someone in my school has regularly helped me plan for my future career.
There is at least one staff member in my school that I believe cares deeply about me and my success.
Adults at my school expect me to continue my education after high school at a college, a career technical school, or in the military.
Clear selection
Share your intentions for finishing high school and continuing your education, and whether school is preparing you for your next steps.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I will stay in school until I graduate high school.
I will continue my education after high school.
I am aware of different career options for my future.
I have a clear career plan to follow when I graduate.
I am confident my school is preparing me for my plans after high school.
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Share how prepared you feel to navigate the college selection, application, and enrollment process.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I understand what educational options are available to me when I graduate.
I know about the types of colleges that are the best fit for me.
I feel prepared to navigate the college application process.
I know about the tests I need to take to get into a college or career technical school.
I know about the different ways to pay for college and career technical schools.
I feel prepared to navigate scholarship and financial aid opportunities.
Clear selection
Grade Level
Home Language
Did one of your parents/caregivers graduate from college?
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This form was created inside of Brady Independent School District.

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