Reader Impact Survey

The diversity of our metro is Sacramento’s strength. We are committed to using town halls and community forums to provide members of every Sacramento neighborhood the opportunity to identify solutions to the problems we face as we grow into the future. As we work together around stories of affordable housing, the arts, economic equity and the environment - we want to know how you think we're doing, and we want to hear from you on these topics. 

Who are we?  A group of reporters at seven local news outlets*, working together to find solutions to the challenges that our community face.  

Why are we asking?  We want to be sure the reporting we do is relevant to the needs you are experiencing.  We’re also interested in any ideas you may have as to how we can solve these problems.

What will we do with this info?  We’ll use it mainly to guide our reporting, to help make sure we’re looking at the right things.  Your response is anonymous unless you choose to give us your phone number or email for follow-up, in which case we may contact you for an interview for one of our stories.

* CapRadio/NPR, Sacramento News & Review, The Observer, Outword, Univision, Russian American Media, Sacramento Business Journal, and California Groundbreakers, working together in a collaborative project called Solving Sacramento. If you have any questions, please contact:

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How concerned are you about this topic, on a scale of 1-5?

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When you talk with friends and family, what issues come up most about this topic? 
What's not getting talked about enough? Are there other things you'd like to know or specific stories that you think would be interesting to read?

Have you done any of the following as a result of reading any news and information covered by Solving Sacramento? (choose all that apply)


If you made a decision or took action as a result of reading a news story, which of the following apply? (choose all that apply)

Tell us about your neighborhood - do you live in Sacramento? If so, what neighborhood?
Would you be willing to be interviewed for a possible news story? If yes, please provide your phone number.
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Education level
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Income range (per year)
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If you would like to receive information and news stories from Solving Sacramento, please provide your email address here:
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